First Aid Wolf Cub Badge 1928 to 1929
Before a Wolf Cub could earn this badge they must say the following promise “I will do my best to help other people before myself”
Badges are worn on the right arm in parallel rows between the shoulder and elbow
To achieve the First Aid Badge you had to do the following*
Must be able to bandage a hand in such a way as to stop bleeding, and be as aseptic as possible; and know how to “ clean up " and treat a graze.
Know treatment for sprains; and how to apply the wide bandage to a sprained ankle.
Know how to put on the “large arm” sling and the head bandage.
Know the treatment for stopping bleeding from the nose.
Know how to extinguish clothes that have caught fire; and how to treat minor burns and scalds; grit in the eye ; choking and sunstroke. Examined in his knowledge of the first part.