Collecting Badges

Carpenter Blue

Carpenter Blue

Carpenter 1929 to 1934  Blue Ribbon Scout Badges

The Carpenter Badge was worn on the Right arm in between the shoulder and elbow.

Too earn the Carpenter Badge you must achieve the following*

Must be able to distinguish pine, white deal, yellow deal, American whitewood, mahogany, walnut, birch, beech, ash, oak, teak and elm, and know the nature and common uses of each. Must be able to sharpen a chisel and plane iron, shute and glue up a 2 ft straight joint (use of the shuting board allowed), make a housing, tenon a mortice, and halved joint; must dovetail two pieces of wood together, with not less than ?ve dovetails, or make a properly framed stool, chair or other piece of framed furniture.

*The ways to earn the badge varied through POR