Collecting Badges

Climber Blue

Climber Blue

Climber Scout Badge Blue Woven and Bound 1934 to 1947

The Climber Badge was worn on the Right arm in between the shoulder and elbow.

To earn this badge a scout must do the following*

Have attained the age of 14 years.

(2) Have a knowledge of a mountain area covering at least 25 square miles, and show that he is personally acquainted with the principal routes to the summit of peaks and to points of interest, the nearest telephone and doctor to any point in the area, inns and places of refreshment. Draw an intelligible sketch map showing such information, and identify peaks iron a distance by their appearance.

(3) Find his way to a given point in a. mountainous area, using a one-inch Ordnance Survey map, or its local equivalent, and compass, and display mountaineering ability.

(4) Know the local weather conditions, and what to do in emergencies, such as being overtaken by darkness or mist.

(5) Have knowledge of the First Aid treatment of fractures, bruises, concussion and shock.

*The Requirements for each badge varied through issues of POR.