Collecting Badges



Horticulturalist Senior Scouts Badge 1958 to 1964

The Horticulturist Badge was part of the Collective series “Countryman”

To earn this badge a scout must do the following * 

(1) Name 12 of each of the following pointed out in a park or garden: trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennial, herbaceous annual, rock or alpine plants.

(2) Prepare and discuss with the Examiner a plan for the layout of an herbaceous border with particular reference to continuity of bloom, colour schemes and comparative height. 

(3) Give a flower sequence for an ornamental bed to ensure blossom from April to September; or give a plan for vegetable crops for an average allotment for one year. 

(4) Show a shrub or tree pruned by him and discuss the principles and purpose of pruning, budding and grafting. 

(5) Be able to give advice about and justify choice of the best varieties for his neighbourhood of the following:-apple, pear, plum trees, raspberries, strawberries, currants, goose-berries and roses. 

(6) Understand the importance of control of pests and diseases.  Know how to spray washes, use dusting powder and apply grease bands, etc. 

7) Know how to treat and care for the soil of his own garden       

.*The Requirements for each badge varied through issues of POR